Twin Made is the original home of Creative Workshops in Cardiff.
Twin Made began in 2010 and I started teaching creative workshops, in 2014, after seeing there were not many contemporary, one off craft classes in Cardiff. Most were evening or reoccurring classes - but I am a busy lady and I wanted to get instant gratification and leave a session with a finished item, so I created some Twin Made workshops. We started simple with lampshade making and embroidery classes - hosting them in pubs and spaces around Cardiff and London.
Our Story
In the Summer of 2016 we found a home at The Bone Yard, a shipping container village in Cardiff and a few months later we moved into our first Creative Container and later expanded to a second Twin container. 2018 was the year we worked on Creative Collaborations with local makers to bring new and exciting workshops and increased our range of Make it Yourself Kits.
Another summer of change, in 2019 we joined the creative team of O Dan//Under\\Nos Da - a creative space in the heart of Cardiff.
The Corp Market
In November 2021 we moved in to the amazing The Corp Market. Our new home was the former Corporation Pub that sits on the corner of Cowbridge Road East and Llandaff Road. As you come in through the front door, find us on the right.
Creative Workshops
Over the last few years we have found out passion and have created over twenty new classes including our ever popular Dungaree class, you read that right: dungarees! This is a four hour class where you come in and make a made to measure pair of dungarees! How awesome! And you get to take home the pattern and guide so you can make loads more pairs, in all the colours.
We also have a range of beginner sewing classes, social craft clubs, macramé, embroidery and much more!
Our Future
We are looking forward to a colourful future with Twin Made where we increase our range of Make it Yourself Kits and have our classes available online. We also look forward to helping people create and develop their own classes and providing an affordable space for other artists to work in.
One of our most frequently asked questions is: Are you a Twin? The answer is yes, I am a Twin and my husband is a twin. Kathryn and Ed are the emotional support and springboard for all my crazy ideas. Read our FAQs here.
We Care
We try and source our materials from ethical manufacturers or scrap stores and with an inability to throw anything away we have created projects using leftovers and scraps!