I knew one day I'd have to watch powerful men burn the world down - I just didn't expect them to be such losers back stitch pattern by Twin Made pay what you can afford.

As soon as I read it, I knew I had to stitch it up. So I did!

I have designed the pattern so you can stitch it up too. Find the JPG below. This is a free pattern, but I have added a link to my paypal if you would like to pay what you can afford.

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Twin Made Tip Top Sewing Tips!

During our works shops we share lots of tips on using a sewing machine, so if you have a sewing machine at home or wanted to get started or get back into the sewing seat?

Here are a few top tips to stop you throwing your sewing machine out of the window.

Tips for using your sewing machine:

Before sewing make sure there are two threads, one through the needle and one from the bobbin - make sure they are long and touch you desk - this stop the needle un-threading.

If moving the needle - get into a habit of turning the turning wheel towards you and towards you only, this will stop the threads from tangling.

When you have finished sewing and you move the fabric away from the machine, ensure the needle is up to its highest point. If more than one thread comes out of the bobbin holder, turn the turning wheel slightly and try again.

Sewing Machine tips.jpg
Source: https://www.twinmade.com/twinmade