On Sunday morning we woke up to the news that our beautiful studio, O Dan, was flooded. The staff at Nos Da spent hours, over night, to prevent this. But Storm Dennis was set on a path of destruction through South Wales.
On Sunday we waded through the water to check everything was safe and managed to get the pieces resident designer, Sandra needed for a workshop the following day.
Rou's Ink had a to cancel her appointments for the next few days as we set about assessing the damage and making a plan of action, nothing could be done until the Taff River had dropped.
Becca from Silly Panda had moved in just the day before. The staff at Nos Da salvaged as much as the could and set about washing and drying any fabric which had been near the water. Massive credit to Steve from Nos Da making the stoic joke: if only the pads were more absorbent!
We were not naive, we had ensured that all machinery and equipment and electrics were above a certain level, I mean who moves in to a basement next to the Taff! But just seeing the place we had put our hearts into transforming in to a welcome creative environment, flooded, is heartbreaking.
On Monday two pumps were installed and successfully drained the water and after a long afternoon and evening and with some help of the most excellent staff and regulars of Nos Da and some pals we set about moping and cleaning, we were back to work on Tuesday, with minimal damage and only a few bags of rubbish created.
After meeting with the owner of Nos Da, we have began a plan to install a Sump, although this would not have stopped the flooding on Saturday night it will at least be in place to hopefully lessen any damage.
Our heart goes out to all the peoples whose homes and businesses were affected. From seeing the news and pictures we definitely got away lightly.
We would like to thank the staff at Nos Da for as always, being absolute SOLID GOLD LEGENDS! They really are the nicest, kindest and beautiful community of people that we are very lucky to be part of.
We are so very sorry to our residents at O Dan!
Thank you for all the offers of help!
How we are asking you to help:
Please head to any of the links below and like, share, buy, comment, leave a nice message or reviews. We will appreciate any support right now.
Rou's Ink:
Silly Panda:
Sandra Gustafsson
Jon Stick
Twin Made
Nos Da:
Storm Dennis
Source: http://www.twinmade.com/purchase